Please download .pdf file to view records. **This is a large file - please view first before printing**. Updated "April 2023...
Catholic Church
St. Columba Parish Weddings 1859-2005.
St-Columba-Parish-Marriage-Records.pdfDownload To see entire sheet, please download .pdf. Updated April 2023
St Columba Parish Deaths 1888-2003
St-Columba-Parish Deaths.pdfDownload Download .pdf to see entire document. This is a large document. Please review before...
Presentation to Rev. Donald Beaton
The Casket - June 26, 1913 PRESENTATION - On Monday, June 9th, Messrs. I, J. McEachern and Alexander McDougall, on behalf of the...
Contract for Painting Holy Rosary Church – 1913
The Casket - June 19th, 1913 The Contract for painting the Catholic Church at Ballantyne’s Cove, Ant., has been awarded to Mr....
Fundraising Picnic for Holy Rosary Church
The Casket - July 2nd, 1908 A picnic is to be held at Ballantyne’s Cove, Ant., on Tuesday, July 7th. The object of the...
Holy Rosary Anniversary Booklet 2016
Holy Rosary Church 2016.pdfDownload This booklet was created for the celebration of Holy Rosary Church in 2016.
Newspaper Article – History
Casket 14 Nov 2001 (.pdf)Download Article written for the Casket newspaper in Antigonish on November 14, 2001 that showcases the...
100th Jubilee Anniversary
Holy Rosary 100 Anniversary (.pdf)Download Celebrated August 7th, 1991 Holy Rosary turned 100 years old. It was a big...