North-Side-Cape-George-1828.pdfDownload Download .pdf file to read transcribed document.
School Related Records
Antigonish County School Returns – North Side Cape George 1827 (June to November)
North-Side-Cape-George-1827.xlsxDownload Download xlsx file above to see transcribed list...
Antigonish County School Returns – Point of Cape George Point 1827
Point-of-Cape-School-1827-1.xlsxDownload To see a transcribed document, click on link above.
Report of Trustees of School #22 – Point of Cape George 1827
Point-of-Cape-School-1827.pdfDownload To see a transcribed document, please download the .pdf file.
Cape George School Premise Report – February, 2002
CGS022.pdfDownload Please download .pdf file to read entire document.
25th Wedding Anniversary Address to Eustace and Margaret MacEachern
LH039.pdfDownload Download .pdf file to read entire document.
History of the Home and School Assoc.
CGS020.pdfDownload Found in the Ballantyne home, an address that may have been given by Bessie Ballantyne regarding the history...
History of the Cape George School Museum
CGS014.pdfDownload Obtained from the website, Please download link to read entire document.
Summary of Attendance 1958
CGS013.pdfDownload This is a portion of the booklet filled out every year by the teacher documenting everything from attendance,...
Cape George School Registry 1953
CGS012.pdfDownload This is a portion of the booklet filled out every year by the teacher documenting everything from attendance,...
Cape George School Registry 1952
CGS011.pdfDownload This is a portion of the booklet filled out every year by the teacher documenting everything from attendance,...
Cape George School Registry 1940
CGS010.pdfDownload This is a portion of the booklet filled out every year by the teacher documenting everything from attendance,...
Cape George School Registry 1937
CGS009.pdfDownload Cape George School Registry for 1937. This is only a portion of it. Most of the booklet was lost or damaged....
Cards from School Census 1949
CGS004..pdfDownload These cards were left behind when school was decommissioned. Cards were created in 1949 for the school...
Contest to Gather Rubber for the War Effort
CGS003.pdfDownload Letter dated May 4, 1942 to the teachers of Antigonish County from H.M MacDonald - the Inspector of Schools...