MacDonald, Cassie

12 Nov 1969

Word has been received from Antigonish, Nova Scotia, of the death of Mrs. Frank (Cassie) MacDonald, on November 12th, at the age of 83.  She was a long-time resident of the Grand Forks area but spent the last fourteen months with her brother and sister, Mrs. Mary Anne Macdonald and Stephen Macdonald in Antigonish.  The funeral was held in Antigonish on Friday, November 14th followed by interment beside her mother at Georgeville, N.S.  She is survived by her brother and sister in Antigonish and her sister-in-law , Mary MacDonald of Grand Forks.  Cassie MacDonald was born in November 1886, in Georgeville, Antigonish, and married Frank MacDonald in 1908, in Nelson, after which they resided in Phoenix where Frank was carpentry forman with the Granby Mining Company, a post he held for 15 years.  When Phoenix became a ghost town, Mr and Mrs.  MaDonald were the last family to move out  that city in 1920, moving to Cassidy, Vancouver Island, where for a further 13 years  Mr. MacDonald was engaged in carpentry work for the Granby Company.  In 2932, the family moved to Grand Forks  where they made their home until 1968 when, in March, Frank MacDonald passed away, and his wife moved east to Nova Scotia.