7 Oct 1918
On last Sunday morning, the whole Diocese was shocked to learn of the death of one of its most promising young priests, Father Ronald Angus MacDonald, Curate of St. Anne’s Parish, Glace Bay. Father MacDonald was born at Georgeville, Antigonish Co., thirty years ago. Graduating from St. Francis Exavier’s in 1911, he made his theological studies at the Grand Seminary, Quebec, being ordained in the Basilica, in Quebec, by his Eminence, Cardinal Begin, on February 14, 1915. The funeral was held yesterday morning at 9:30 o’clock at St. Anne’s Church, Glace Bay,where Father MacDonald labored so zealously and so successfully for the greater part of his priestly life. The impressive ceremonial of the Church was fully carried out. Solemn Requiem Mass was sung by Rev. Dr. Thompson, Pastor of St. Anne’s, with Rev Peter McMullin, Whitney Pier, and Rev. Stanislaus MacDonald, Sydney Mines, as Deacon and subdeacon respectively, Rev. John H. MacDonald, P.P New Waterford was Master of Ceremonies. After the Mass, His Lordship, Bishop Morrison delivered an intrusive and impressive sermon . After the Absolution, which was pronounced by His Lordship, Bishop Morrison, the funeral cortege proceeded to St. Anne’s Cemetery, where all that is mortal of Father Ronald was laid to rest. His short priestly career was given wholly to the Master and he was never known to spare himself when duty called. He has gone to receive that hundredfold reward promised to those who leave all to follow Christ.