24 Apr 1912
At the lighthouse, Ballentyne’s Cove, on Wednesday, April 24th, 1912, Isabel, the beloved wife of Alex L. McEachern, in the 61st year of her age. The deceased was born at Arisaig and was the youngest daughter of the late Alexander G??? ??? MacIain’s and his wife , Mary Smith. She was a truly good Christian woman, uniting to a mild and gentle disposition a firm and constant faith and an unaffected piety. Her patience and charity were noteworthy. Her kindness and hospitality were known to all. She leaves two daughters who, with the bereaved husband, have the sincere sympathy of a very wide circle of relatives and friends. In their irreparable loss. (Four children – two boys and two girls – died in early childhood.) The obsequies were held Friday morning in the Church of the Holy Rosary, Ballentyne’s Cove, in the presence of a large gathering of people. The Mass of Requiem was offered by Rev. J.J. Mackinnon, P.P., Bailey’s Brook, a nephew of the deceased, while the pastor, Rev. Father Beaton, pronounced the Absolution.