25 May 1898
There died at Georgeville on the 25th day of May, ulta., Lewis McInnis, who was born at the same place, then known as Cape George, on the 8th day of May, 1830, having therefore completed the 68th year of his age. In early life he attended the schools taught in this country in those days by the McLellan’s – Malcolm and John – then whom perhaps no nearer scholars were in Eastern Nova Scotia during their own time, and being of good ability made a fair English and classical course under them; after which he entered St. F.X. College, then at Arichat, being among the first students at the opening of that Institution. Many of the older clergy of this diocese – a number of whom have also gone to their reward – were at the time his fellow students. Those of them now living will certainly hear of his death with regret. When the college was removed to Antigonish, he continued his studies there, but in a short time failing health compelled him to relinquish them. Upon recovering from his illness he took up teaching as a profession, and for seven or eight years very successfully conducted a superior school at Arisaig as provided for by our present free school system, then newly made law. When superior schools were done away with he made a course at the Normal School, Truro, and qualified for Grade A, which he obtained and afterwards conducted the Academy at Arichat as Headmaster for some three or four years. For a number of years before his death he lived on his farm at Arisaig. He sold this farm last year, and made his home at Georgeville. After a painful illness lasting over three months borne with real Christian resignation and comforted by the consolations of Holy religion, he passed away amid the sincere regret of all his very many acquaintances throughout the county. In the temporary absence of Father Cameron, the parish priest, his obsequies were conducted by Fathers Shaw and McKenzie of Lakevale and Arisaig respectively. The former was a fellow student of the deceased and addressed a brief discourse to those present, befitting the occasion.