29 Jan 1926
At Ballantyne’s Cove, January 29, of heart disease, Israel Roberts in the sixty-third year of his age. Deceased was born at La Prairie, Quebec and came to the Steel Works at Trenton, Nova Scotia as one of its pioneer workmen being a nail maker by trade. About twenty years ago he moved to Ballantyne’s Cove where he resided until his death and where by industry and thrift he made a comfortable home. Honest and straightforward he won the respect of all who knew him. He leaves to mourn their loss his wife née Mary MacDonald; one son, Leo and three daughters, Alice Lillian and Mrs. Irving Hardy of Detroit. His remains were laid to rest in the little cemetery at Ballantyne’s Cove.
Isaac (Israel) Roberts, postmaster at Ballantyne’s Cove dropped dead in his barn Friday afternoon while engaged in feeding his stock. Some months ago, he underwent an operation for the removal of an eye, since which time his health has been somewhat poor, though of late he appeared much improved. He was born at La?? Quebec, and was sixty-eight years old. About forty years he went from New Glasgow entering the employ of the Steel Company there as a nail maker. A few years afterwards, he married Mary MacDonald of Ballantyne’s Cove. About twenty years ago, Mr and Mrs. Roberts removed to Ballantyne’s Cove, where they purchased a farm and where they since resided. Besides his widow, Mr. Roberts is survived by one son Leo, in Florida and three daughters – Mrs. Irving Hardy, Detroit; Miss Alice in New York and Miss Lillian at home.