9 Nov 1901
Death of Mr. Ballentine. James Reid Ballentine died at his home two miles north of Alexandria Saturday, Nov. 9, aged 73 years and 5 days. He had been ailing for some time, but enjoyed the past summer as he had five of his children at home. He died of Bright’s disease; his three youngest children, Belle, Emm and Robert being at home when the end came. Mr. Ballentine was born at Cape George, Nova Scotia, November 4, 1828. He was married to Annie W. Kennedy of Cape Breton in May 1860. After a residence of nine years in Newfoundland, the family came to Minnesota in 1971 and settled in what is now known as Lowry. As the educational advantages for the children were meager they moved to Alexandria in 1878. Eight children survive him; George, who lives in Minneapolis, having recently removed there from Miltona; Jennie Cook, of Boston; Stewart, in the printing business in Minneapolis; Ida McSorley, of Helena, Montana; Carrie Bangs of Boston; Clara Belle, a nurse of Minneapolis; Emma, a teacher at Fergus Falls, and Robert, who resided on the farm with his father. He joined the Presbyterian church at Cape George when a young man and was a consistent Christian, a good citizen and kind neighbor. He suffered a great deal, but was patient, resigned and ready to go. He enjoyed music and singing. Mr. Ballentine was a successful farmer, one who thoroughly enjoyed country life. Rev. Collinge preached the funeral sermon Monday afternoon at the Methodist church, and the burial was at Kinkead cemetery beside his wife who died a number of years ago.