MacDonald, Leonard

23 Oct 1936

MACDONALD – At St. Martha’s Hospital, October 23, Leonard, aged 14, son of Mr and Mrs Archie MacDonald, Georgeville.  Of a gentle and kindly disposition, mannerly and manly, Leonard was a general favorite.  A sufferer for over a year from a painful illness, he carried his cross patiently and never lost his cheery smile and happy spirit.  During the last weeks though in almost constant pain, he prepared for the end with remarkable fortitude for one so young, and with perfect resignation to the Will of God.  The funeral was held Sunday afternoon, October 25.  By and unusually large attendance the people of the parish showed their respect for the departed and their sympathy with the bereaved family.  Rev. B. Campbell officiated at the funeral service and the following morning celebrated requiem Mass for the deceased.