30 Nov 1932
MACDOUGALL – At Inverside, November 30, 1932. Mary, widow of the late John McDougall, Moung Young, aged 86. Deceased was the daughter of the late Ronald MacDonald and Margaret Boyd, Georgeville, Antigonish County, and went to Mount Young fifty two years ago where she resided all her life until three weeks previous to her death when she was taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Angus N. McNeil, Inverside where she was tenderly nursed and cared for during her illness. After receiving the last sacraments of Holy Other Church, of which she was a devout member, she passed peacefully to her eternal reward. Mrs. MacDougall was essentially a woman of the home, an ideal wife and mother. In her quiet and self effacing manner she was actively interested in the social and religious life of the community where she with her husband (who predeceased her by 13 years) toiled and struggled through the trials and hardships of life and reared a large family who mourn the loss of a good and loving mother. One daughter, Mrs. John MacFarlane, Margaree, predeceased her. The surviving members of her family are two sons: Ronald, on the old homestead at Mount Young, and Dan at North Grant, Ant. Co.; and five daughters: Mrs. Angus N. McNeil, Inverside; Mrs. John L. MacNeil, Mabou; Mrs. Roderick MacDonald, Mabou Harbor; Mrs. Frank MacDonell, Elmsdale, Halifax and Helen in the USA. One brother Dan MacDonald, Broad Cove, and two sisters, Mrs. Laughie MacDonald , and Mrs. James MacDonald, Maryvale, also survives. The funeral , which was largely attended, took place at West Lake Ainslie, Dec. 2, conducted by Rev. John McPherson, P.P.