MacDougall, Rodrick

15 Nov 1957 

On November 15th, there passed away Roderick, son of the late Roderick MacDougall and Sara Gillis.  “Rory” was one of the oldest residents and parishioners of Georgeville.  He celebrated his ninety-first birthday two weeks before he died.  During his long life, Rory was held in high esteem by all who knew him.  Particularly by the many priests under whose pastorate he lived in his beloved parish of Georgeville.  All knew that his sober years for a useful life in church and state derived from firm and single principals that were his heritage and virtue.  His devotion to his God and Church found their reward even in this life.  He received the sacraments very frequently during his last illness and for the last time one hour before he died.  His wife predeceased him by twenty-three years.  He leaves to miss his presence and cherish his memory one son Angus R. , of home; three daughters: Mary, Mrs James MacGillivray, Roxbury Mass.; Sadie, Mrs Alexander MacInnis, Newton Centre; Margaret, Mrs. William MacInnis, Cape George Point.  Mary flew from Roxbury to attend the funeral.  All other absent members of the family had happily visited their father during his last summer.  His funeral was held on November 18th, from St. George’s Church. Funeral Services were conducted by Rev. R.A. MacDonald, P.P.  Pall bearers were:  Stephen MacDoanld, Ambrose Chisholm, Dan Joe Gillis, Leo MacInnis, Joe Brown and Wiliam MacInnis.