25 Dec 1995
Mary (Barry) MacEachern (article in The Casket)
Funeral services for the late Mary “Gil” (Mrs. P.G.) MacEachern, LLD, 82, of St. Mary’s Street and Mabou Harbour, took place December 29, 1995, in St. Ninian’s Cathedral, with her nephew, Rev. Dr. John Barry, Rev. Kyte Gillis, Rev. Charlie MacIsaac, Rev. Gregory MacKinnon and Rev. John J. MacDonald. Spring burial will take place in St. Ninian’s Cemetery. Mrs. MacEachern died December 25th at home. Lectors at the Mass were Mary Paula Barry and Edmund Cummings, with Eileen Barry presenting the intentions. Providing the music for the Mass were James MacPherson, organ and vocalist, and violinists Kendra MacGillivray and Rodney MacDonald. Pallbearers were two grandsons, Roder and Keith MacEachern and Brian MacPhee, Peter Barry, Keith Beaton and Sandy Smith. Born in Bassano, Alberta, she was a daughter of the late Peter J. and Anne (Beaton) Barry. Her family moved to Antigonish where she was raised. She attended the former Mount St. Bernard Academy, and then graduated from secretarial studies from the former Mount St. Bernard College in 1936. She was employed with the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture, Antigonish, and also served as secretary, treasurer, and president of the Bergengren Credit Union. She joined the Canadian Red Cross as a volunteer in 1940 and, throughout the next 55 years, her service encompassed every aspect of the Red Cross from blood donor clinics to disaster relief and fund-raising. She has been a member of the Catholic Women’s League since 1939 and held offices of president, secretary and recording secretary of St. Ninian’s Council. She served as president and recording secretary of the Antigonish Diocesan CWL Council; president of Mount St. Bernard College Alumnae, and was organizer of reception teas and suppers for women graduates of St. Francis Xavier University. In 1979, she was named Antigonish Citizen of the Decade. In 1990, she received the Canada volunteer medal from the Department of National health and Welfare for providing for the health and social well-being of Canadians. She was awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree from St. Francis Xavier University in July, 1994, at a special convocation celebrating the 100th anniversary of the affiliations of Mount St. Bernard College to St. Francis Xavier University. She is survived by her husband, Gil; three sons, Dr. Sandy, Monastery; John, Antigonish; and Donald, Ballantynes Cove, Antigonish County; a daughter, Doreen (Mrs Sandy) Smith, Antigonish; a brother, Donald A. Antigonish; seven grandchildren; and a number of nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by an infant daughter; and a brother, John I.