MacGillivary, Dougall

30 Nov 1936

Sudden death – Dougall MacGillivray, miller, Malignant Cove, died suddenly last Monday near his home.  He was 63 years of age, and unmarried.  About three o’clock Monday afternoon the deceased left the mill to go to the home of his brother Angus nearby.  He was not seen again until children going home from school found him lying unconscious near the line-fence.  They notified their elders and Father Campbell was called from Georgeville to give the last rites of the Church.  Deceased, who had not been in good health for years, is survived by two sisters and two brothers.  He carried on a repair shop on St. Mary’s St., Antigonish, a few years ago.  The funeral took place Wednesday morning in Georgeville where requiem Mass was celebrated by Rev. B. Campbell, P.P.