MacGillivray, John A.

15 May 1939

The death of John A. MacGillivray at South Side Cape George on the afternoon of May 15, 1939 brought widespread sorrow to his community where he was born fifty years ago and where his early youth and last years were spent. Since the death of his wife four years ago, Mr. MacGillivray has been in failing health, but in the end death came with unexpected swiftness. While calling on a neighboring cousin on Thursday, May 11, he was stricken by a heart attack and received the last Sacraments. On Saturday he rallied sufficiently to be removed to his home where, on Monday, the end came. Of a genial and eminently kindly and unselfish disposition, Mr. MacGillivray was greatly loved and will be greatly missed by all who knew him. He leaves one child, John Joseph, four years of age, and four sisters: Sister St. john of Grenada, C.N.D Holy Angels Convent, Sydney; Sister Rita of the Sisters of St. Martha, Mineral Springs Hospital, Banff; Mrs. Allan Cameron, Somerville, Mass; and Selina, a nurse in New York. Margaret MacGillivray, New Glasgow, and Frank Carrigan, New York are an adopted sister and brother. Buried Lakevale Cemetery.