MacInnis, Hugh “Colin”

25 Jan 1928

On January 25, Hugh (Colin) MacInnis. Born at Cape George Point, 77 years ago, he lived on the old homestead until 1922, when with his wife and son, he moved to Boston and amidst sorrowing members of his family, he passed away after a few days of illness…. Besides his sorrowing wife (Catherine Beaton), five sons survive: Mitchel and John in the West; Roderick and Dan H. who tended him with loving care during his last illness and Colin at Bailey’s Brook, Pictou; two daughters – Mrs. Ambrose Chisholm, Georgeville and Mrs. J.M MacPherson of Detroit; two brothers, John C. and Dan C of Halifax; one sister Mrs. John A. Gillis, Morar. Buried in Roxbury Mass.