MacInnis, John H.

24 Nov 1936 – John H. MacInnis

MACINNIS – At Cape George, Tuesday, Nov. 24, 1936, John H. MacInnis, son of the late Hugh D. MacInnis and Jane MacEachern, in his 75th year. Consoled by hte rites of the Church he peacefully passed away fully reconciled to God’s Will. Deceased who was noted for his kindness and hospitality, led a good Christian life. He leaves to mourn their loss, his sorrowing wife (nee Anastasia MacDonald, Lakevale), eight daughters and four sons: Mrs. E.J. Chabot, Janet and Margaret, Lynn Mass.; Mrs. Henry Chabot, New Hampshire; Mrs. Henry Mason, Merigomish; Mrs. Harold MacPhee, Ballantyne’s Cove, Malinda and Johanna at home; Hugh J., Donald, Albert and Augustine all of Cape George. One brother and one sister also survive; Dunan and Mary, Mrs. Dan MacEachern in the Canadian West. After requiem high Mass offered up by Rev. Donald Beaton, P.P., Friday morning, his remains were tenderly laid to rest in Ballantynes Cove cemetery.