MacInnis, Martha

19 Mar 1923

At her home at Georgeville on March 29th, Martha, wife of Dan A. McInnis, after a short illness.  The mother of nine young children, seven boys and two girls, the death of this estimable young woman has deeply touched the people along  the St. George’s Bay shore, where she was known as a devoted mother and a faithful and devout Christian worker.  The deceased was in the 42 years of her age and leaves to mourn their loss beside a husband and children and aged father, an only sister, Mrs. Colin F. McDonald of Ballantyne’s Cove.  She was a daughter of Alexander L. McEachern ex-light-keeper at Cape George.  Her funeral on Sunday the 1st April was largely attended.  Her remains were laid to rest at Georgeville cemetery after requiem mass by Rev. Father MacNeil.  R.I.P.