MacPherson, Hugh

15 Feb 1929

Hugh MacPherson, a former resident of Georgeville, died in New Glasgow, at the home of his son William, last Friday after a very short illness.  He was more than one hundred years old, having observed the centenary of his birth October 15, 1928.  He was a remarkably vigorous man for his age, and he retained his faculties almost unimpaired until a week before  the end when he fell victim to pleurisy.  His memory was keen and naturally he had a wonderful fund of information  concerning early days and conditions at the Cape about which he delighted to talk.  He is survived by two sons and a daughter:  Williamk, New Glasgow; Rod, New Denver, B.C. ; Mrs. Hugh R. McDonald, Dunvegan, C.B.; a sister, Mrs. McKinnon, Egerton, Pictou county.  A devout member of the Catholic church Mr. MacPherson was well prepared for the end by the fervent reception of the sacraments.  Buried in Georgeville.