McDonald, Donald

10 Dec 1918

At the home of James McPherson, B.S., Antigonish, N.S., on Dec 10th, 1918, of paralysis, in the 76th year of his age, Donald McDonald, a native of Cape George Point.  Deceased left home 55 years ago for the United States and bravely fought for freedom in the Northern cause, for which he was pensioned.  Last June, not feeling well, he returned home.  Honest and agreeable he will be greatly missed Two brothers  and a host of friends survive to mourn his loss.   Fortified by all the rites of Holy Mother Church, he calmly passed away, with the firm hope of enjoying a happy hereafter.  On the 12th inst., his remains were tenderly laid to rest in the new cemetery at Ballantyne’s Cove.