26 Jan 1899
McEachern – At Ballantynes Cove, Cape George on Thursday, 26th inst., of a severe illness which he bore with Christian patience, in the 22nd year of his age, Hugh A. McEachern, beloved son of Ronald (Arch’d) McEachern. Deceased by his good behavior and cheerful disposition won respect and esteem of all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance and he will long be greatly missed. His sorrowing parents, two brothers and two sisters have the sympathy of the whole community in their bereavement…
From the Halifax Herald:
BALLANTYNES COVE, Cape George, January 31 – The death of Hugh A. McEachern occurred January 26, at the early age of 22. Deceased was held in the deepest respect by all who knew him and his demise cast a gloom over the community. His remains were interred in the churchyard of the church of the Rosary after a requiem mass by Rev. J.Shaw, P.P. Father Shaw preached a beautiful sermon suitable for the occasion. The funeral was followed by a very large number of friends. He leaves a father and mother, two brothers and two sisters to mourn his loss.