McInnis, Ronald

15 Jan 1917

Not actually an obituary, but a news article:  One of Those peculiar and tragic happenings in human experience that proves to man his hold on life is but slight indeed, took place on Monday evening. Mr. Neil McIsaac, of Georgeville was in town on that day renewing the stock of his small store. Having secured his requirements among which was a cask of molasses, he left by team for home. Accompanying him was Ronald McInnis of Georgeville. They took the Old Gulf Road. They encountered a sideling, a piece of slanted roadway, covered with ice on a hillside at Cloverville. Mr. McInnis was driving. The wagon and horse started to slip down the sideling, and finally went over an embankment. Mr. McIsaac was caught under the upturned wagon. When help came and the wagon was removed, the cask of molasses was on top of the unfortunate man, lying on his head and chest. Very likely death was instantaneous. At least no signs of life were shown when help arrived. A coroner’s jury held an inquest and returned a verdict of accidental death. Mr. McInnis escaped injury. Deceased was a man of about 69 years . Quiet, industrious and sober, he lived in peace with all the world, and enjoyed the respect and esteem of his neighbors and of the community in general.