19 Jun 1922
At Morar, April the 19th, 1922, Mrs. Ursula McPherson, widow of the late Donald McPherson of Arisaig at the advanced age of 97 years. She lived with her family in the United States for 35 years, but came home two years ago to the old homestead where she died. She leaves a family of five daughters and four sons. The children are Mrs. Edward P. Tobin of Boston, Mrs. Mary Prior, Mrs Jennie Coleman, Mrs. Elizabeth Atkins, all of Providence, Rhode Island and Mrs. Catherine Collins of Washington, DC, Michael and John of Boston, Daniel of New York and Dan on the old homestead. Besides she leaves 27 grandchildren and 37 great-grandchildren. Frequently strengthened and consoled by all sacraments of Holy Church she died a beautiful and peaceful death. After a mass of requiem by the parish priest Rev. R. MacNeil, she was laid to rest in the new cemetery at Georgeville.